Praxis Newsletter 202409

2024-09-30 11:05 PM - Comment(s) - By chemdesign

Dear Praxis supporters,

Be strong and take heart, all you who hope in the LORD!  (Psalm 31:24)

Thanks to the Lord for His leadership and guidance. We have followed Him and certainly gained a lot this summer.

1. Summer internship experience
We continued to have students from the "DSE Internship Program" of Breakthrough Organization join us for four weeks. The two students’ courage and dedication were appreciated. They reportedly have learned a lot during this period. In addition, different churches, organizations and schools have sent their own service recipients and students to participate in our ministry. Also, brothers and sisters from Bay Area Chinese Bible Church spent time with us during their personal trip to Hong Kong. They saw that Praxis provided space and opportunity for others to know the faith and reflect on life. They saw visions and missions as well.

2. Reflections on life and death
In the last few months, a few Kai Fongs (a Cantonese colloquial term for our service recipients) passed away and some suffer from terminal illness. The Lord has been teaching us in different ways. First, we had a reading group, studying Our Greatest Gift, by Henri J. Nouwen. We reflected on the topics of dying and caring, and how death is related to us. Our volunteers had an opportunity to visit the Haven of Hope Sister Annie Skau Holistic Care Centre (SASHCC) to learn about their End-of-Life Care Ministry. In addition, we were invited to a support group for cancer patients and caregivers at Queen Mary Hospital. Through their sharing, we realized the importance of being a companion in their journey. Last but not least, through the lecture by forevergift (an NGO in Hong Kong), we learned about the "Five Treasures of Peace," to make preparations before one’s departure. Walking with someone during the final stage of their life journey is sophisticated and meaningful. We are grateful to the Lord for giving us a great cloud of witnesses to work together.

3. New experience of pastoring our Kai Fongs
The third round of Kai Fong Bible study series is concluded. We studied the book of Ecclesiastes together, reflecting on life through the lens of the wise. Both the participants and the group leaders have gained a lot of insights. The Lord has given us an interesting challenge, taking care of those who have hoarding issues. This is not an easy task at all. As we learned how to walk with them, more and more questions surfaced. We tried to grasp any opportunity to help them clear their stuff and encourage them to stop hoarding. These are such precious pastoral moments. We have seen our own insufficiency and weaknesses. May the Lord grant us strength!

4. Seeing God’s grace in stormy sea
Praxis has been financially challenged since March. We had a most difficult time in July. In times of difficulty, we pondered, prayed, and shared with our supporters. We are focused on planning to turn sharing merely material items into deeper caring and closer relationship. The Lord gave us great encouragement in August. In addition to the increase in donations from local and overseas supporters alike, many churches and organizations also showed their support. We are grateful to the Catering Evangelistic Fellowship for raising funds for us through the sales of rice dumplings and moon cakes, during the Dragon Boat and Mid-Autumn Festival, respectively. Our landlord, the Christian Evangelical Center Huaen Church, has granted a rent reduction.  Besides, we are informed that CWM/Nethersole Fund has accepted our grant application we had sent in March to support  one[1] of our projects. The Lord’s timely provision lets us learn unceasingly the lesson of “not having power or ability, but relying on the Spirit of the Lord to accomplish things.”

[1] Share and Care in the Community

Praxis July to August 2024 Financial Information

How to donate
Donation via:FPS / PayMe / Bank Transfer / Cash / Cheque
Account Name:Praxis (HK) Charity Limited
Account No.:HSBC 040-209306-838    
FPS ID:100801885  

Please WhatsApp the bank notification or a screenshot of the payment to 4625-0407,  Mr. To for confirmation. 

For donation of more than HK$100, the receipt can be used to apply for tax exemption in Hong Kong. Please provide your full legal name, contact number, email or mailing address.

For friends in the US
You may donate to Praxis at
Give2Asia Friends Fund (Tax deductible)
After donation, please send us ( your full name and email address.

May we walk hand in hand in the sacred journey! 

The Praxis Team
